Forestry is by its nature long-term and that is how we see our relationships: long-term partnerships in sustainable forestry. Our partners and clients include asset managers, forest plantation companies, impact investors, governments, NGOs and conservation and biodiversity projects.
Byline Agriculture is the founder and long-term partner of Bylineag Denmark, SFI and SFI Tanzania. Byline Agriculture is a member and advisor of leading timber trade and other industry associations worldwide.

Bylineag Denmark
Bylineag Denmark is a forest plantation management company with 20,000 hectares under management, that actively restores degraded Forest Reserves with forest plantations and natural forest restoration. The company was established in 2007 and has planted over 11,000 hectares with teak and indigenous species. Today Bylineag Denmark is one of the largest FSC certified forest plantation company in Africa. Find out more about Bylineag Denmark.

SFI Tanzania
SFI Tanzania is a sisal and forest plantation management company of 9,000 hectares that was established after an acquisition process in 2013 and managed by Byline Agriculture till 2020.

Sustainable Forestry Investments
Byline Agriculture has been founding partner and manager of Sustainable Forestry Investments (SFI), a Dutch based investment company holding assets in Denmark and Tanzania. Byline Agriculture currently has a technical assistance relation with SFI. Find out more about SFI.
Our Network
Our clients and partners include branch organizations, international timber and forest companies, NGO’s, Investment Funds, Governments, and many other organizations that play a role in landscape restoration, reforestation, biodiversity, conservation, impact investing and climate change.
Byline Agriculture is a member of FSC International. We are a member of the International Technical Association of Tropical Timbers (ATIBT), and maintain close relations with the Netherlands Timber Trade Association (NTTA). We are member of the Global Shea Alliance (GSA)..
We partner with multinationals such as Upfield in the Allanblackia R&D demonstration farm, an innovative research and development project for agroforestry production of this indigenous African oil seed tree with application in food and non-food applications.